Replacement Shipping Addresses for Logistics
A new option has been added which allows end-customer shipping addresses to be overridden with a logistics company address during order creation.
For example, a retailer might use two suppliers and instead of having the suppliers dispatch directly to the customer, they might want the goods to be sent to a logistics company first who are then responsible for consolidation and shipping to the customer.
The option works by storing the order’s original shipping address in a hidden field and replacing it with the address of the company handling shipping and logistics. This means that suppliers will only see the address of the logistics company. When the order details are subsequently sent to the logistics company, they will be sent the original shipping address.
The new option can be enabled by adding an address to the Incoming Orders / Logistics Shipping Address
advanced company setting.
The address needs to be populated in exactly the below format:
Company Name
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Address Line 3
Address Line 4
Address Line 5
Country Code (e.g. GB, US, etc)
If any of the above cannot be filled in then please leave them as blank lines.