It is now possible to specify bespoke HTML for a batch’s coversheet.

Several placeholder variables can be used:

Placeholder Description
{{ }} Batch ID
{{ batch.current_item_count }} The number of items included in the batch
{{ batch.date_created }} When the batch was created
{{ }} The name of the template used to create the batch
{{ template.sku }} The SKU range enabled for the template
{{ order_summary.earliest_dispatch_date }} The earliest required dispatch date for all orders included within the batch

In addition, a barcode can be added using the following tag:

<g3d:barcode type="codabar" value="" />

The default batch coversheet HTML is as follows:

      g3d\:barcode {
        color: white;
    <g3d:barcode type="codabar" value="{{ }}" />
    <h1>{{ }}</h1>
    <h2>Batch SKU: {{ template.sku }}</h2>