There are a handful of advanced options for controlling the artwork generation process in company settings.

Artwork Generation Create Raster PDF using JPEGs

When this option is enabled, the raster PDF that gets generated (multi.pdf and merged-multi.pdf) will be created using JPEG image data instead of PNG image data.

The effect of using JPEG is twofold:

  • The resulting PDF will be a 1.3 version PDF rather than 1.4. Some production facilities may only be able work with the lower version.

  • The resulting PDF will potentially have a much smaller file size.

Artwork Generation Raster CMYK / RGB ICC Profile

Please see this post for more info.

Artwork Generation Use Proxy For External URL Items

Some retailers who generate their own artwork and provide it to OMS using image URLs may have their images protected by an IP whitelist.

However the IP addresses used by the batch generation system can change on a daily basis and are not known in advance, meaning that it is impossible for the customer to keep their whitelist up to date.

Enabling this option forces the batch generation system to load the image URLs via a proxy server that has a single static IP which can be added to the IP restriction’s whitelist.

It is not enabled by default because there is a financial cost associated with running the proxy server (which would be even higher if used by all) and results in a less scalable system.

Artwork Generation / EMB2 Bypass Transformations

This option will be removed and should not be used.

Artwork Generation / EMB2 Thread Chart

This option controls the thread chart that is used by embroidery image auto digitisation.

If none is specified then the default Wilcom thread chart will be used, which contains all RGB colours.

Artwork Generation / Photo Output Format

This option controls the image format type for the photo output type and can be set to either png or jpg.

JPG should be preferred for photos as they will cost less in storage costs than PNG.

Artwork Generation / Vector PDF Add Backing Layer

This option controls whether or not a backing layer is added to the outputs generated by the Vector PDF output type.

The backing layer is a single colour “shadow” of the actual contents of the PDF using a specific spot colour.

Using a backing layer might be required for the production of sticker or transfer type products.

Artwork Generation / Vector PDF Disable Background Fill

By default, a rectangle matching the size of the print area will be added to the vector PDF and filled with whatever product colour was selected by the user.

This can be disabled if colouring is not required as it causes issues with some production machines.

Artwork Generation / Vector PDF Embedded Image DPI (Experimental)

User uploaded images are embedded into the vector DPF at 100DPI by default, however this can result in blurry images.

Increasing the DPI can help to alleviate this.

Artwork Generation / Vector PDF Trace Text

This option allows text to be included as individual vectors in the PDF rather than as an outline.

Some production machines that read PDFs will not be able read the text unless it has been rendered as individual vectors.