The Licence and Royalties report is a way of providing sales figures to licensors so that they are able to charge royalties on the use of their content.

The best way of running the report is by using the Generate Report bulk action feature of the v2 companies section.

The report will include order items where the following is true:

  • The primary company for the order is in the list of selected companies
  • The order creation date is within the selected date range
  • The order item is for a product that is in a child category of Licensed Content

The report contains the following headers:

Header Description
external_ref The order’s external reference (i.e. the website order number
company_ref_id The order’s primary company
secondary_company_ref_id The order’s secondary company
shipping_country_code The shipping country
barcode The e-commerce barcode for the item’s product
manufacturers_code The e-commerce manufacturers code for the item’s product
licence A concatenation of the name of the bottom level category that the item’s product is in and that category’s parent category.
product_id The ID of the item’s product
company_name The name of the order’s primary company
currency The currency set against the order’s primary company. Defaults to GBP if non is set
quantity Item quantity
returns Currently always 0
unit_price The unit price of the item, sourced from the item’s unit_sale_price field, multiplied by the price band set on the company (i.e. 40% = 0.4).
net_sales The total price, quantity x unit_price
licence_percentage The licence percentage set on the product’s e-commerce data.
net_licence The total payable to the licensor