Product 1299978 is a Tottenham Hotspur FC Aluminium Water Bottle fulfilled by GBN and uses licensed content.

It has two different aspect options:

  • White
  • Silver


GBN require a different SKU for each option.

This can be handled in a straight forward manner using product variants.

Aspect Option 1 Name Variant SKU Variant Ref
White MAP034 EC2559BA8710
Silver MAP035 CCCE59BA8710


For the correct SKU to be passed to the supplier, we need the order item’s SKU field to be the variant SKU.

How this happens depends on which order creation method is being used.

There are currently two ways in which an order for product 1299978 can reach OMS:

  • Via the standard CSV integration with a Tottenham Hotspur specific row mapper
  • Via the PFG website using the Personalise-iT and Order-iT APIs

CSV Retailer Integration

A standard CSV retailer integration for Tottenham Hotspur is set up on company 18633.

Tottenham use their own CSV format which gets mapped to the standard format using the Tottenham row mapper.

Tottenham do not use GBN SKUs and instead have their own SKU for each option:

Aspect Option 1 Name Variant SKU Tottenham SKU

To deal with Tottenham’s SKUs, a SKU map is set up on 18633 which maps from their SKU to the relevant product variant ref:

from to_pv_ref

This means that when a CSV row for PERSWHITEBOTTLE is imported, the system goes through the following steps:

  1. It looks up PERSWHITEBOTTLE in the SKU map for 18633
  2. The product variant ref EC2559BA8710 is returned from the SKU map
    • It looks up the variant SKU for variant ref EC2559BA8710 and gets MAP034
    • It looks up the product ID for variant ref EC2559BA8710 and gets 1299978
    • It creates an order line using SKU MAP034
    • It creates a print job using product 1299978 taking into account the variant’s properties

Personalise-iT and Order-iT API

The process the system goes through for print jobs and orders that are created via the Personalise-iT (i.e. iframe app) and Order-iT APIs is much simpler.

As long as the app used to create the print job is fairly up to date (i.e. acp3_2) and the API endpoints are being used, the system will handle the product variant automatically without the need for any mapping.


Appendix A

Example Import CSV

A CSV containing product variants can currently only be imported by James.

product_id aspect_option_1_name aspect_option_2_name attribute_1_name attribute_2_name text_area_1_option sku
1299978 White         MAP034
1299978 Silver         MAP035

Appendix B

The Tottenham Row Mapper
Original Field Maps To
Date order.sale_datetime
Order Number order.external_ref
Customer Name order.customer_name
Customer Address 1 order.shipping_address_1
Customer Address 2 order.shipping_address_2
Customer Address 3 order.shipping_address_3
Customer Address 4 order.shipping_address_4
Customer Address 5 order.shipping_address_5
Customer Postcode order.shipping_postcode
Country order.shipping_country
Telephone No order.shipping_telephone
Personalisation 1 textual.field_value1
Personalisation 2 textual.field_value2
Personalisation 3 textual.field_value3
Personalisation 4 textual.field_value4
Personalisation 5 textual.field_value5
Personalisation 6 textual.field_value6
Personalisation 7 textual.field_value7
Personalisation 8 textual.field_value8
Personalisation 9 textual.field_value9
Personalisation 10 textual.field_value10
Personalisation 11 textual.field_value11
Personalisation 12 textual.field_value12
Personalisation 13 textual.field_value13
Personalisation 14 textual.field_value14
Product Description item.description
Quantity item.quantity
Price item.price
Priam Code item.sku